There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Earn Your Shower

This morning I woke around 5:15am, not feeling the best. I wanted to get in a work-out but was scheduled for Alpha Total Body. In other words, lots of moving around, and that did not sound appealing. So, rather than just go back to sleep, I opted to swap days and knock out Alpha Lower Focus. I'm not sure if it's because I felt like poo or if I just really pushed, but either way, I was dripping sweat by the end of this session! Like, tickling-as-it-slides-down-my-back dripping. I'll take it!
Elliott did not approve of all of the sweat

I was asked on Simply Motivated ( ) to discuss how I work up the motivation to not hit snooze and actually get up early to exercise.  To be honest, it's not easy. Not easy at all. If I ever had an affair (other than with my cats), it would be with my bed. I love that snuggly place so much! My comforter is super fluffy with a duvet cover imported from Holland. We got an amazing mattress topper for a wedding gift that feels like a cloud. Add in the ceiling fan producing a gentle buzz, no alarm clocks blazing red numbers, and black-out curtains... it's a dream come true. That bed and I are like two peas in a pod. Sleep is amazing and that bed is my oasis. Unfortunately, I have to be a productive member of society and leave it daily. Luckily, it knows I'll return to it every. single. night. What can I say? I'm faithful!

Ok, so I kind of went on there... In all seriousness, though, I exercise first thing in the morning because I know I won't do it if I wait until the end of the day. Plain and simple. With my job, I am on my feet running back and forth, as well as wrestling animals of all shapes and sizes all day long. By the end of the day, I am wiped! If I were to skip my morning work-out, no matter how bad I would want to complete it, I wouldn't do it. How do I know this? I've tested this theory. And what's worse than dragging myself out of bed at 5:30am to do a 30 minute exercise program? Getting up at 5am to do two 30 minute exercise programs because I skipped the day before!

I developed a new motto:   It's been working pretty well for me! A shower is so much more satisfying at 6am when you stink. Yes, I just admitted that I stink after my work-out. That is one method that has seemed to have worked. My co-workers hate when I show up not having showered, so I may has well earn that water bill! 
Another way I get myself up every morning is by setting my alarm 9 minutes before I need to get up. That way, I allow myself to hit snooze once. I am not really sure what it is about hitting the snooze button, but those 9 minutes are pretty much the best sleep ever. So, I build it in to my day! It seems silly, but it makes all the difference for me!
Lastly, I see that my exercise program is actually working. It gives me that much more motivation when I notice the results. I can visibly see my tummy shrinking. I can feel my jeans fitting better. I don't see that muffin top nearly as much! And I get people who haven't seen me in a while telling me I look great. That is the biggest motivator! Insanity about killed me because I pushed myself and didn't see results (diet, Katie, diet!). With Focus T25, I am eating healthy calories and putting in the effort bright and early every single day, and it's paying off! 
The view from my front porch two years ago

Are you interested in waking every day, becoming more and more proud of what you feel/see? Shoot me a line, as I would love to help you see the same results as me!

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