There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Insanity Max:30

One of the most influential men in my life is back at it! Sure, I get excited when new programs are released, but when it comes to Shaun T, it gets brought to a whole new level. I started my fitness journey in the summer of 2013 with Insanity, then moved on to Focus 25. Insanity taught me that I could do things I never thought possible. It pushed me past my limits and allowed me to see that even an overweight, miserable girl could achieve amazing results. It's that exact reason why I feel like a little kid at Christmas for his new program.

Enter Insanity Max:30

Shaun T's newest addition will take you out of your comfort zone like it did with Insanity, but instead of sweating your eyes out for 40-60 minutes, he's packed all of that intensity into 30 minutes. As a new mom, finding time to work out isn't easy, but I make the time. So the notion of being able to complete a high intensity workout in only 30 minutes in music to my ears! Another fabulous thing about this program is that it requires NOTHING. That's right, your body is all you need to achieve maximum results. No weights. No pull up bar. Nada!

Now that I've sparked your attention, let's discuss the nitty gritty.

Insanity Max:30 is a 60 day program. It's broken down into two phases, month one and month two. In typical Shaun T workouts, he wants you to keep up momentum and don't stop. For anyone that's completed T25, there are no breaks. The same would be true for this short workout, too. Right? Nope! Shaun T's goal is to get you to MAX OUT! The idea is to go as hard as you can for as long as you can, then, when you need to take a quick break, that's your MAX OUT point. You are encouraged to write down your MAX OUT times and try to beat them as the weeks progress. Even Shaun T said he can't go the entire workout without MAXING OUT. How cool is that?! What a great way to push our endurance and ability to the limits. LOVE!!

While it is a crazy program, it can be done by almost anyone thanks to the modifier. Unlike the modifier in T25, this one can be seen 100% of the time. There is an option to split the screen so you can always have the modifier up. How cool is that?! So even if you haven't exercised since high school, if you are mentally ready for the insanity... it's ready and waiting for you!

On to the fun stuff...what are the workouts like?

Cardio Challenge: crazy cardio with 4.5 minute intervals and 30 seconds to rest
Tabata Power: strength training Tabata-style "20 seconds on, 10 seconds off"
Sweat Intervals: even more ridiculous cardio
Tabata Strength: Tabata-style strength workout with no rest
Friday Right: Round 1: pure craziness. No really... INSANE
Max Out Cardio: gotta love more cardio in month 2! This time with 5.5 minute intervals
Max Out Power: Tabata-style intervals "45 seconds on, 15 seconds off" with lots of plyo
Max Out Sweat: twice the sweat in half the time
Max Out Strength: arms, shoulders, chest, and core "45 seconds on, 15 seconds off"
Friday Fight: Round 2: even harder than Round 1
Pulse: low impact combo of stretching and small "pulsing" movements for active recovery
Ab Attack:10: 10 minute routine
Max Out:15: 15 minutes of insane cardio
Max Out Abs: alternate between seated and standing for 15 minutes of core work
360 Abs: 360-degree attack on the abs and core... on the floor, in plank, and more!

The program is to be completed 5 days a week. No double days, either! So when we say 30 minutes, it's really just 30 minutes!

Pulse is meant to be used as an optional Saturday workout for that active recovery.

There's also a COACH EXCLUSIVE dvd called "Sweat Fest." You can only get this if you order through a coach. It's a fun, sweaty workout if you're looking to mix things up!

Now it's time to talk food!

Shaun T is really encouraging portion control when completing Max30. He discusses how planning your meals will allow you to eat healthy foods more often. Tracking what you consume will help you know what to eat and when, decreasing the chance of giving in to temptations because you're not prepared. Color-coded, portion controlled containers are available in the deluxe kit. These containers will help you reach your goals even faster!

What options are available?

There are a few different ways to get your hands on this new gem.

*Challenge Pack* 
This includes the base kit + 30 days of Shakeology.

*Base Kit*
12 workouts on 10 DVDS (Cardio Challenge, Tabata Power, Sweat Intervals, Tabata Strength, Friday Fight: Rounds 1+2), Max Out Cardio, Max Out Power, Max Out Sweat, Max Out Strength, Pulse, Ab Attack:10)
Sweat Fest (if purchased from a coach)
Nutrition Guide
Wall Calendar
Cooking Guide

*Deluxe Kit*
everything included in Base Kit
3 deluxe workouts (Max Out:15, Max Out Abs, 360 Abs)
Core Comfort Mat
Portion Controlled Food Containers
Shakeology Shaker Cup
Body Fat Calipers

Sounds great, but what's the cost?

Super stoked at how available they made this program!! The challenge pack will typically be $205, however they are reducing it to $180 as an introductory price for the month of December. The Base Kit is $119.85, and the Deluxe Kit is $239.70.

That means, if you purchase the challenge pack, you are getting 30 days worth of meals and a 60 day program for only $180! A month of Shakeology is typically $129, so by purchasing them together you are saving $69!!! 

If it still seems like a lot, let's break it down. Say we keep Shakeology at it's regular price and just consider Max30 is on sale. That means you will get 30 nutrient-dense meals for about $4.30 per meal. I don't know about you, but I sure can't make a meal as healthy as Shakeology for that cheap from home! So that leaves us with the new program for about $51. That's 60 days worth of hardcore training by one of the BEST personal trainers in the world for about $0.85 PER DAY! Is your gym membership going to be that inexpensive? Plus, you don't even have to leave your house, fight traffic, hassle with parking... you know the drill!

I WANT IT! Now what?

Fabulous! You can do this program right along with me, and we can keep one another accountable! How would we go about doing this? By joining in one of my amazingly awesome accountability groups! The groups are all done through closed Facebook groups, so only those participating can see what's going on. It's a safe place to share your struggles, fears, triumphs, and goals. No judgment and negative thinking allowed! Each day I will give you tips and tricks with ways to stay on track. Plus, there's lots of motivation to keep pushing yourself to be the healthiest you yet!

So if you're ready to join my accountability group, here is the direct link to purchase the Insanity Max:30 challenge pack.

If you're not ready for the accountability group, let me know, and we can discuss how to keep you on track without the group. My goal as your coach is to provide you with a support system that works best for YOU! If that means joining a group, fabulous! If you're the type that would rather me just check in with you periodically to make sure you're keeping your focus, I'm ok with that, too!

For those of you that aren't quite ready for Max30 but are interested in learning more about Beachbody programs and would like for me to be your coach, please sign up for a free account by clicking this link! 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Holiday Specials

Tis the season for SALES!!!

That's right! Every month Beachbody offers excellent sales on select products, but once a year, they go FULL ON CRAZY!!!! I get so excited when these deals roll out, as it brings programs and equipment down to crazy low prices. This means you can add to your collection of programs!! I love these sales, as it helps me build my fitness library, thus giving me choices when I need to mix things up!

So, without further delay, here are this year's deals!

Want to know something else that's fun? If you are a COACH or have the CLUB membership, you can save an ADDITIONAL 10%-25% off the sale prices! 

Remember, this year we are going to be giving the gift of HEALTH this holiday season!!!

Here's a bit of a breakdown and links to order:

TurboFire is a 90 day cardio conditioning program. Lots of movin' and groovin' to super fun music to blast away the pounds!

Deluxe DVDS + Journal

P90X is a 90 day program that started it all. Tony Horton created the proram which has 12 intense workouts. You will have resistance and body weight training, cardio, plyometrics, ab work, martial arts, and yoga to mix things up!

P90X2 is a 90 day program that Tony Horton created to take your results to the next level. He uses muscle integration to get you results that pro athletes pay thousands for!

Les Mills Pump uses the Rep Effect to sculpt shoulders, create tight buns, lean legs, strong arms, and flat abs! You will use lighter weights with more repetition to get fantastic results! 

Les Mills Combat uses Fast Twitch Integration Training to blast your twitch muscle fibers, using dynamic moves from six mixed martial arts disciplines. You'll be doing Karate, Kung Fu, Capoeira, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai/Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Boxing.

The Slim Series is a six week program that combines low impact carido moves with light resistance training. This will get you in the optimal fat-burning zone for awesome results!

Insanity: The Asylum is a 30 day program with sports-specific training and drills inspired by pro athletes. For this program you will build speed, coordination, agility, and power.

Hip Hop Abs: Rockin' Abs/Hard Body DVD makes you feel like you're about to hit the dance floor and sweat off the pounds and inches using hip-hop steps!

Barbell Weights


Barbell with Speed Safety Clips

Ultimate Reset Dry Brush

Beachbody® Jump Mat

Stability Ball + Medicine Ball Combo Pack

Step with 4 Risers

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Put Some Jingle in Your Pocket: Cash for Christmas

Tis the season where we tend to be a bit too in love with the idea of "giving" and over-extend ourselves. How many times have you paid for Christmas using credit cards, thinking, "Oh, I'll pay it off come tax time" then never pay back that debt? I know I sure have! This year is going to be different though! With a promise made to myself to pay down debt as fast as possible, I'm not going to dig even deeper into that hole. That's why this year, we will be paying cash for Christmas! I owe all of that to Beachbody, and I want YOU to be able to have the same opportunity!

When you think of seasonal holiday jobs, what comes to mind?
Hours that take too much time away from family?
Wages that barely cover the cost of gas to get to/from work?

Why bother with all of that when I am looking for 5 people to join my amazing team of health and fitness coaches to earn an additional $500 this holiday season. Wouldn't you love to be able to enjoy the holidays without racking up that credit card bill? Plus, you are earning extra by helping people! You get to stay motivated reaching your own goals and help others along the way. Tis the season, right?

So who am I looking for?
I want someone who is MOTIVATED. I am NOT your boss, I am your mentor!
Someone who can give me ONE hour a day to expand their business.
People with an upbeat attitude! No negative Nancy's here!
Ladies and gentlemen who are determined to succeed.
And let's face it, I want folks around me who want to have FUN!

This sounds all fine and dandy, but I don't have any experience!

That's ok! You don't have to be a fitness or nutrition expert. Nor do you have to be in the best shape of you life. You don't even have to be this uber fitness person who knows every detail of everything fitness related!

As a part of the #1 Team in the Beachbody organization, I just want you to have a desire and willingness to learn. If you give me one hour a day, I can teach you how to become a successful Beachbody coach and earn that extra cash. Trust me, I learned everything I know from the top coach in the company!

Since this is such a great chance to learn from the best of the best, it's going to come down to picking those that sign up first. Remember, only 5 spots are available! One on one training with me will start immediately, and on December 1st you will begin a formal training program. (All of this is STILL a part of that ONE hour a day!) 

Fill out the application below so you can start earning Cash for Christmas!

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How I Failed at the 21 Day Fix

You read that right. This is the story of how I failed at my attempt at the 21 Day Fix six weeks after having a baby. 

I started off the week strong. I had my meal plan all ready to go, and what I thought was enough food in the house. Hillary kept her cool during my workouts, making the perfect little cheerleader!

By the middle of the week, she would stay napping after our afternoon walks long enough for me to breeze through Autumn's 30 minute videos.

Towards the end of the week, I started having problems. I couldn't eat all of the food. Say what?! Yeah, it was too much food. I wasn't getting in my allotted intake, which left me feeling like a failure. It's not that I wasn't hungry, it's that I was trying to manage a fussy baby, while trying to eat almost every 3 hours just to get all of the food in. Overwhelmed was the perfect way to describe how I was feeling. 

Then Hillary decided she didn't want to let Mom have her 30 minute sweat sessions. I was being interrupted constantly, turning a quick workout into a constant try to workout-pause-try again-pause.

Even though I struggled with my food and continuous exercising, I still managed to lose 4 pounds in that first week!

The following week I tried. Really, I did! Exhaustion and a deep feeling of being overwhelmed got the best of me, though. I gave up. 100% honesty here! I'm not perfect (just in case any of you are thinking I am). I have my ups and downs, and motherhood is getting the best of me. I had every intention of going back to work being almost at my pre-baby weight. Not even close, and I start work Tuesday. But I'm not going to let that initial failure keep me down! 

This time I have an easy meal plan in place. All foods that I've prepared ahead of time and are easy to eat with one hand. A busy mom has to learn how to adjust with a finicky infant in her arms! My first attempt was a learning experience. Just because I'm home with Hillary doesn't necessarily mean I have time to cook fantastic meals. But it does mean I can still eat healthy, easy, quick meals that are good for both of us! 

Here is my meal plan for the coming week. It's very boring, but I know these foods will be super easy for me to stick with. I have my egg muffins, chicken, venison, and quinoa bars already made. Some days I don't get all of the allotted food in, but I'm not letting that stress me out. I'm plugged in to a higher calorie bracket due to the fact that I'm nursing, so I feel like there's a little wiggle room. I'm also "splurging" and eating a serving of lactation cookies every night. I'm trying to amp up my milk production since Hillary will be in daycare two days a week and my body doesn't respond well to the pump. 

So there you have it. I lost a grand total of 7 pounds in 21 days. (Thank goodness for breastfeeding.. what I'm chalking those other 3 pounds up to.) I'm not going to get down on myself, though. I'm only human. And I have this tiny human to care for (while keeping my sanity), who is far more important than losing X amount of weight in 3 weeks. My new goal? Successfully complete the 21 Day Fix, feel more confident, and don't be too hard on myself!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Tony Horton's NEW P90!

It's about time Beachbody launched a new program! I bet it's safe to say that most people have heard about P90X, as well as P90X2 and P90X3. What are the odds those who own any of the programs thought they were SUPER intense? Back in the day, I tried to do P90X. Key word being tried. Not only could I not do half of the moves, but the 60-90 minute exercises just weren't my cup of tea. The great results P90X can produce were seen, but it was also noted how many people needed something to get them to the point where they could actually complete it!

Insert P90

Tony Horton's new P90 program is made for people who want to work on improving their fitness levels but aren't quite ready for the intensity of P90X. This program was created to teach the basics - proper form and building strength.

P90 was made for those of us who want to lose weight without extreme work-outs, people who want to build muscle/lean out, individuals who "lost it" along the way and want to get back on track, and anyone who might need to spice up their normal routine by trying something new!

But just because it teaches the basics doesn't mean you won't get amazing results! By committing to 25 minutes a day for 90 days, you can achieve great results! You won't be straining your body, as it is not high intensity, just basic work-outs and cardio.

Along with the great work-outs, you will also be getting Tony's nutrition guide. We all know abs are made in the kitchen! As tough as it may be to get control of, nutrition is a key part to weight loss and getting that body you've always wanted. Tony makes it easy by combing those great exercising with an easy to follow nutrition plan. 

Now I know I have you all excited for this great new program, but it isn't available quite yet! Beachbody will be releasing P90 through your coach next week! To create the best experience possible, as your coach, I will be available to you for support, motivation, and accountability to achieve great results with P90, as well as many other programs! Starting October 6, I will be offering an accountability group to ensure that you stick with the program you purchased so you succeed at your health and fitness goals!

So if you don't already have a coach, I encourage you to create a free account! It's simple! Just click the link below.

Monday, September 15, 2014

New Addition and Maternity Leave

At 4:30am on Tuesday, July 29, 2014, my water officially broke. Finally!! Nearly 40 long weeks later, we have action!! I labored at home for several hours, leaving us with the hour drive to the hospital. That was fun... Long story short, by 9:18pm, our family had increased by one!

In active labor at this point.

Meet Miss Hillary Jane! She entered the world screaming, but calmed down long enough for an adorable photo. She weighed 7lbs 10oz and was 20 1/4in long. I will be honest in saying we were totally expecting a boy, so she was a HUGE surprise!
Miss Hillary Jane

 Now our world is filled with pink, purple, and all things girly! 
Sleeping during tummy time

I am loving my maternity leave and being able to watch her grow a little bit every day. It's so crazy to see the changes she makes from one day to the next. At 7 weeks old, she is getting to the point where she wants to smile and interact more. So what do we do while Dad is at work? Watch the 21 Day Fix infomercial! Girlfriend loved learning a bit about what Mom does (see that smile?!).
Lazy Sunday with my love

Initially, Mike and I were super nervous about my nine week maternity leave. We have always used my income from Beachbody to pay off debt. Our steady paychecks from working traditional jobs pay for day living/bills, so it's nice to have supplemental income to chip away at those loans at a faster rate. 

Well, lucky for us, I am able to work from home while watching our little princess. I continue to run challenge/accountability groups, while helping others reach their health and fitness goals. Having this once supplemental income be enough to subsidize my paychecks takes a huge weight off of our shoulders. We are continuing with our usual bills, as well as medical bill incurred while hospitalized. All from the comfort of my own home, while loving on a newborn. I am BEYOND lucky for this opportunity!
Maternity Paychecks

Now I don't show this to brag, as there are many coaches earning far more than me. I'm displaying this so you can see what is possible. What would you do with an extra $200 a week? What about more? Would you choose to stay home with your kids? Travel? Pay off debt? I am able to enjoy my maternity leave thanks to Beachbody. Then, once that is over, I will continue to pay off debt. 

Even greater than this, I am helping people change their lives! With each of these paychecks, it shows the individuals who are choosing to live a healthy lifestyle. They are eating well, exercising, and enjoying life. (Seriously... they tell me they this!) 

If you have a passion for health and fitness and want to change lives, Beachbody is the company for you! Take control and be your own boss! I promise, you won't regret it!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Reality Check

So here's the deal. I've been MIA. So much for being a source of motivational support. If I couldn't motivate you via Facebook, it wasn't going to happen. How crappy of me is that?! Then I realized…

My reality check was like a kick to the head. How am I suppose to be the best person of influence/coach/source of accountability if I'm not present? NOT POSSIBLE! But here's what's going to go down in the next few paragraphs: updates about how I've been, what I've been doing, and my promise to NOT be a slacker. Sound ok?

1) The 21 Day Fix while pregnant: I SUCKED at it. Yup, totally admitting it. My intolerance for a lot of foods took control over me. Pregnancy is HARD. I never expected it to be like this. I thought I would be able to continue eating right, working out, and keeping slender while ONLY my belly grew. Why didn't anyone slap me on the forehead like they do in the V8 commercials?  I honestly try my hardest, but man, sometimes a girl just needs a bowl of honey nut Cheerios! I also am unable to exercise daily, especially now towards the end. Some days after being on my feet for 8-10 hours , wrestling giant dogs and grumpy cats non-stop, I would just shut down. On the other hand, I consider all the walking I've done while at work to have helped GREATLY!

How I felt during every workout

2) Pregnancy status: At almost 36 weeks pregnant, I am still feeling pretty decent. I tend to get swelling in my feet if I sit for too long (they look great when I'm up walking/moving!). Today marked the day where I officially had to remove my wedding and engagement rings. I think I did pretty well with that one! The baby has been trying to bust out via elbowing and kneeing my sides. That's fun. Not. We are getting to the point where the baby's room is almost done which is exciting! The best part was doing all of the laundry. That smell + a room full of clean diapers = heavenly :)

An awesome onesie a fellow coach sent me. Couldn't be any more perfect!

3) Beachbody business: A couple of weeks ago I officially made the status of One Star Diamond. What does that mean? It says that not only am I helping individuals achieve their health and fitness goals, but I am also helping other coaches grow their businesses. It's a HUGE accomplishment that makes me SO proud to have such an amazing team. Definitely couldn't do it without them!!! I'm getting ready to start another 21 day challenge group on Monday, as well as a coach basics group. What is a coach basics group? It is a close Facebook group where myself and a few other coaches teach new coaches how to be rockstars. I've never hosted with other coaches before, so I'm loving the prep for it in the mixing of different mindsets and leadership skills. We are going to produce some STELLAR coaches!

Two One Star Diamond Coaches + Two Diamond Coaches = Kick Ass Coach Basics Group

4) Why I'm not going to be a slacker anymore: I realized that more than even though I'm pregnant, I'm still a coach! I still REALLY want to inspire, motivate, and help people achieve their health and fitness goals. Even though I feel like I'm being pulled a million directions at once right now, nothing is more important than making people feel better about themselves. I can put my emotions on hold to help people realize that achieve their dreams IS possible, and I SO look forward to being someone's positive role model. My goal for the month of July is to help at least 15 people start with their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Want to help this mama-to-be achieve her goals? Shoot me an email, comment below, or find me on Facebook! I'd LOVE to help, but remember… no quick fixes, no magic pills, no weird wraps. It's all about hard work and dedication, but I PROMISE to keep you on point :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why Shakeology is the Bee's Knees

First of all, what the heck is Shakeology?

Nutrition, meal replacement, healthy meal, meal prep
Nutrition Simplified

Shakeology is a MEAL REPLACEMENT shake that is the brainchild of the Beachbody company. The biggest misconception is that it's a protein shake. NOPE! It's so much more than that! It is jam packed with vitamins and nutrients that we (as crazy busy folks) typically don't include in our daily diets. The shakes include probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, preboiotics, vitamins, minerals, amino acids… the list goes on!  Shakeology is SO nutrient-dense, it's like eating SIX salads… except it tastes like a chocolate peanut butter cup or strawberry banana smoothie or snickerdoodle cookie. YES! There are special ways to mix up the shakes that have them tasting like dessert! 

Why do I love Shakeology?

I'll be real with you, I use to have HORRIBLE eating habits. I was always feeling like I needed a nap, was bloated, had crappy skin/hair/nails, felt sluggish while working, was irregular (yup, I'm talking about poop people!), and was extremely moody. So what changed? I started eating healthier and replacing one meal or snack a day with chocolate Shakeology.
By making this change, I noticed a significant difference in my appearance (longer nails, clearer skin, and less damage to my hair), had more energy, and felt more stable mentally… though my husband will probably argue with that one. I also pooped every single day. That may not seem impressive to many people, but as someone who use to only poo a few times a week, it was like the skies opened up and heaven rained down upon me!

Why am I so PRO-Shakeology?

shakeology benefits, shakeology healthy, shakeology affordable

It's an easy solution! Why stop by a fast food chain, coffee house, or gas station to get breakfast on the go when you can have a meal loaded with a day's worth of vitamins and nutrients for the same price? There's no need to skimp on nutrition because of convenience. Seriously, throw a scoop of Shakeology into a shaker cup, mix with water or almond milk, and go! If you're not in a hurry, throw in some spices, fruit, ice, peanut butter, etc to change up the flavor and keep you from getting bored. Personally, I'd rather have a glass of Shakeology keeping me full and giving me energy vs. grabbing a package of mini donuts and soda that has me feeling hungry and ready for a nap within an hour.

Shakeology is also completely NATURAL. Unlike almost every single other meal replacement shake available, it's not bogged down with artificial ingredients and chemicals just to keep the cost down. It tastes good naturally! It is absolutely AMAZING the way you can feel when you give your body the ingredients that were made to fuel it efficiently. 

Most of my friends think I'm nuts when I talk about how much I love this stuff. Seriously,  how could changing one thing make me feel so amazing? I can talk about it until I'm blue in the face, but until you actually EXPERIENCE what Shakeology can do for YOU, you will never know!

I encourage you to at least TRY Shakeology to see how it can benefit you. Yes, even those of you that claim you hate "drinking" your meals. How about you "drink" your snack instead? (Yup, I'm being a smartass…) I ALWAYS have samples available if you'd like to give it a shot prior to committing to purchasing an entire bag. What could be easier on you (and your wallet) than trying Shakeology?! ;)

Comment below or e-mail me for more information and sample flavors!