There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

T25 Before & After


After completing Insanity with minimal results (of which I attribute to not changing my diet), I decided to try Shaun T's newest fitness program Focus T25. This program has three phases : Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Alpha lays the foundation. Beta builds your core. Gamma focuses on strength. The best part of this program was that each video was only 25 minutes a day. Anyone can find 25 minutes a day to work out!

Mixing T25 with a nutritious diet lead to these results. I replaced one meal a day with Shakeology, as well as ate healthy items such as more fruits a veggies. Basic, but it works!!  

So I took my 'before' photos in late August 2013. At the end of September/ beginning of October, I took photos when I completed the Alpha round. Unfortunately, I slacked off and did not get photos after I finished Beta. However, I DEFINITELY made sure I got my pictures done after Gamma! I am so proud of my results!!

Here are the stats before the photos:
Waist : 31.5"  now 29"
Chest: 36.5"  now 35.5"
Hips: 38.5"  now 36.5"
Right Thigh: 25.75"  now 24"
Left Thigh: 25.5"  now 24.5"
Right Arm: 13.5"  now 12"
Left Arm:  13" now 12"

THAT'S A TOTAL OF 9.75" !!!!!

I am also down 18lbs. That's right!! I went from 178lbs to 160lbs in just 14 WEEKS! 

Prior to starting T25, I was busting out of a size 12 jeans. Now I need a belt to keep my size 10 jeans up, but my thighs won't quite fit into an 8, so I'm stuck here ;)

This just goes to show that with a little hard work and LOTS of determination, it IS possible to achieve your goals! I achieved my small goal of being able to fit into a size 10 comfortably. Now I'm moving on! Yesterday, I started my next program Turbo Fire. I can't wait to show you those results in 90 days!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Spending Money

So this is a super tough topic. A topic that I really hate encountering, yet it's pretty common with both of my jobs. Leaving the veterinary side out of it, I'm going to touch on spending money on your HEALTH.

want you to take a step back and ask yourself how much you spend on your personal health every year. Do you take the easy way out and go for cheap, unhealthy fast food or do you spend a little extra on a healthy item? Do you drop $30+ a month on a gym membership you don't use, do you have a treadmill sitting in the corner that you use to throw your dirty laundry on, or do you get up every morning and hit the pavement for a freebie run? 

Some folks don't bat an eye when it comes to spending money on their body and health. Others would rather spend their money elsewhere. I use to be the latter. I'd rather save money by getting a $1 cheeseburger and driving down the road for a $0.79 32oz pop at the gas station than spend $7 on a salad for dinner. Oy vey… No wonder why I'm faced with trying to lose weight as an adult!! 

Now I spend $115 every month on my bag of Shakeology. Yes, it is expensive, but it works out to UNDER $4 a day for what is what I can say with 100% certainty to be the healthiest meal of my day. I love the way it makes me feel, as well as how it keeps me full. I also now exercise six days a week. SIX!! While it is tough getting up at the crack of dawn some mornings, the energy I have afterwards is amazing! Best endorphins ever!!

Especially with it being so close to the holidays, rarely are people thinking about spending money on themselves. Let alone on themselves for something health and wellness related. Let's break it down…
Typical Holiday Spending

How do you rate with this chart? This year, Mike and I are not buying gifts for one another. We are each getting something small for our parents, as well as something for my nephew and his little brother. We are each contributing a small amount to gifts for co-workers, but that's it. We decided we would rather focus on spending what little extra we have on our health. 

Turbo Fire Complete System

So for my Christmas gift, I got myself another Beachbody workout program!! It was drastically reduced price-wise for Black Friday, basically the only way I was able to afford getting everything vs. just the standard version. I am so excited to have another program to continue with, as I finish T25 this week. I am going to be sad to say goodbye to Shaun T, but I'm greatly looking forward to spicing it up :)

Ok so you took a step back to evaluate. Now take two steps forward so you can keep moving forward for YEARS to come. A healthier you is a BETTER, HAPPIER you. I promise! I speak only from personal experience.

Put yourself FIRST this holiday season.