There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Focus T25

Oh Shaun T, a man after my heart! My favorite trainer did something amazing and created an exercise program that is as ridiculous as Insanity, but he squeezed  it down to 25 minutes a day. I love this man!    

"T 2-5 Baby!"

Focus T25 is the newest Beachbody program, stating individuals who focus for 25 minutes a day can achieve amazing results.  This program is broken down into three parts.

This is the foundation for the fitness program. This segment lasts for 5 weeks. You mix up some cardio, total body, lower, abs, and speed/agility 5 days a week.  Each video is 25 minutes, followed by about 3 minutes of stretching. It's 3 minutes... don't skip the stretch! On the fifth day, you double-up the videos, giving you just under an hour of exercise.  Day 6 is rest.  Day 7 is stretching. Oh sweet stretching!

Next, you move on to focusing on the core. A strong core is the key to a healthier individual. The core is your center, your strength. Beta also lasts 5 weeks, mixing up cardio, speed/agility, upper, and more core work just like during the Alpha round. It also includes a rest day and stretching.

Finally, Gamma allows you to focus on strength.  This segment is not included in the initial T25 packaging but can be purchased additionally. Gamma focuses on strength.  I feel as though these final 5 weeks are super important simply because a personal can be super skinny, but without some muscle tone and definition, said person will just look like a string bean! Healthy is better than skinny! This segment is just like the others (5 days with 1 double day, 1 rest day, 1 stretch day), alternating speed/agility, weights, circuits, and core work. 

As of the day I'm writing this, I have finished the first two weeks of the Alpha series. I am trying to eat better (following my own 80/20 rule) to see better results than I did with Insanity. I love the program thus far, especially because it has a modifier in every single video. Shaun T's idea is that if you cannot perform the moves to start or if you get tired, follow the modifier as opposed to stopping. Great philosophy! I work up a great sweat, get my heart rate pretty high, and feel amazing afterwards!

Not bad for week one
Great burn during week two


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