There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Put Some Jingle in Your Pocket: Cash for Christmas

Tis the season where we tend to be a bit too in love with the idea of "giving" and over-extend ourselves. How many times have you paid for Christmas using credit cards, thinking, "Oh, I'll pay it off come tax time" then never pay back that debt? I know I sure have! This year is going to be different though! With a promise made to myself to pay down debt as fast as possible, I'm not going to dig even deeper into that hole. That's why this year, we will be paying cash for Christmas! I owe all of that to Beachbody, and I want YOU to be able to have the same opportunity!

When you think of seasonal holiday jobs, what comes to mind?
Hours that take too much time away from family?
Wages that barely cover the cost of gas to get to/from work?

Why bother with all of that when I am looking for 5 people to join my amazing team of health and fitness coaches to earn an additional $500 this holiday season. Wouldn't you love to be able to enjoy the holidays without racking up that credit card bill? Plus, you are earning extra by helping people! You get to stay motivated reaching your own goals and help others along the way. Tis the season, right?

So who am I looking for?
I want someone who is MOTIVATED. I am NOT your boss, I am your mentor!
Someone who can give me ONE hour a day to expand their business.
People with an upbeat attitude! No negative Nancy's here!
Ladies and gentlemen who are determined to succeed.
And let's face it, I want folks around me who want to have FUN!

This sounds all fine and dandy, but I don't have any experience!

That's ok! You don't have to be a fitness or nutrition expert. Nor do you have to be in the best shape of you life. You don't even have to be this uber fitness person who knows every detail of everything fitness related!

As a part of the #1 Team in the Beachbody organization, I just want you to have a desire and willingness to learn. If you give me one hour a day, I can teach you how to become a successful Beachbody coach and earn that extra cash. Trust me, I learned everything I know from the top coach in the company!

Since this is such a great chance to learn from the best of the best, it's going to come down to picking those that sign up first. Remember, only 5 spots are available! One on one training with me will start immediately, and on December 1st you will begin a formal training program. (All of this is STILL a part of that ONE hour a day!) 

Fill out the application below so you can start earning Cash for Christmas!

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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