There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Holiday Specials

Tis the season for SALES!!!

That's right! Every month Beachbody offers excellent sales on select products, but once a year, they go FULL ON CRAZY!!!! I get so excited when these deals roll out, as it brings programs and equipment down to crazy low prices. This means you can add to your collection of programs!! I love these sales, as it helps me build my fitness library, thus giving me choices when I need to mix things up!

So, without further delay, here are this year's deals!

Want to know something else that's fun? If you are a COACH or have the CLUB membership, you can save an ADDITIONAL 10%-25% off the sale prices! 

Remember, this year we are going to be giving the gift of HEALTH this holiday season!!!

Here's a bit of a breakdown and links to order:

TurboFire is a 90 day cardio conditioning program. Lots of movin' and groovin' to super fun music to blast away the pounds!

Deluxe DVDS + Journal

P90X is a 90 day program that started it all. Tony Horton created the proram which has 12 intense workouts. You will have resistance and body weight training, cardio, plyometrics, ab work, martial arts, and yoga to mix things up!

P90X2 is a 90 day program that Tony Horton created to take your results to the next level. He uses muscle integration to get you results that pro athletes pay thousands for!

Les Mills Pump uses the Rep Effect to sculpt shoulders, create tight buns, lean legs, strong arms, and flat abs! You will use lighter weights with more repetition to get fantastic results! 

Les Mills Combat uses Fast Twitch Integration Training to blast your twitch muscle fibers, using dynamic moves from six mixed martial arts disciplines. You'll be doing Karate, Kung Fu, Capoeira, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai/Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, and Boxing.

The Slim Series is a six week program that combines low impact carido moves with light resistance training. This will get you in the optimal fat-burning zone for awesome results!

Insanity: The Asylum is a 30 day program with sports-specific training and drills inspired by pro athletes. For this program you will build speed, coordination, agility, and power.

Hip Hop Abs: Rockin' Abs/Hard Body DVD makes you feel like you're about to hit the dance floor and sweat off the pounds and inches using hip-hop steps!

Barbell Weights


Barbell with Speed Safety Clips

Ultimate Reset Dry Brush

Beachbody® Jump Mat

Stability Ball + Medicine Ball Combo Pack

Step with 4 Risers

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