There is a difference between interest and commitment.
If you're interested in something, you only do it when it's convenient.
When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Earn Money While Getting Fit

I am not sure I know a single person right now that wouldn't mind earning a little extra money, especially with the holidays approaching faster than we'd like! We are always watching our budget and trying to figure out how to plan for the holidays without leaving anyone out. Mike and I try not to push the limits, but we love to get gifts for our family! In 2012 (our first year as a married couple), we chose to not purchase gifts for one another so we could use that money on our family. Thanks to lots of hard work, that won't be the case in 2013! This year, we are going to be able to to afford gifts not only for our family but also for one another!

By focusing on helping others and keeping them motivated and accountable during the most tempting holidays (Halloween candy, Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, as well as New Years Eve festivities), I am going to be able to help increase our monthly income.

I want to help a small group of exceptionally motivated and driven individuals to do the same. I am taking part in a system that is helping me earn at LEAST $900 towards the holidays this ear! This extra income is made possible through Beachbody Coaching.

This isn't something you will be signed up for and left to figure out on your own. With the help of me and my personal coach, we will help you learn everything (seriously EVERYTHING) you need to know about coaching. By no means do you have to be a health nut or a fitness guru, but you do need to work hard to be a product of the product. This means you are going to be joining in a challenge group along with the individuals you invite. You will need to do a Beachbody workout on a regular basis (I workout 5-6 days a week for less than 30 minutes) and replace at least one meal a day with Shakeology. Leading by example is the best way to get others involved! Another requirement is to be passionate about helping others to succeed! It is so fun to watch people become better versions of themselves :)

If you think you fit this bill, I will include you in a group starting October 14th, where you will receive guidance on a one-on-one basis, as well as in a closed Facebook group. If you are a go-getter that is motivated and determined to succeed, I want you to be a part of my team! Teaching health and fitness tips is a gift that will continue long past the holiday season. Plus, you will be able to continue to grow your business long after the holidays are over. 

The selection process is starting now, and I am only accepting a small group of individuals to join me on this adventure. My coach (who taught me all she knows!) leads the #2 team in the ENTIRE Beachbody company, so she knows what she is talking about! Please send me an e-mail or a message on Facebook to apply :)

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